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Reviews for "FFVI: The Day After Part6"

lol, nice

that was the dungeon from the beggining of chrono trigger and "bekkler" is the guy from the carnaval in chrono trigger

but this is still good.
im off to go watch the rest of them

Vinstigator responds:

Hope you enjoy the rest

Very good

But they can't use magic since the esper left the earth, and the got there magic from the espers. No Espers=No magic

Vinstigator responds:

That's explained in part 9 ;)

damn man,

mog was roxxored.

Vinstigator responds:

yup :D

Go Edgar!

This episode rocks! Poor Mog... Keep up the good work! *Runs off to watch the next one*

Vinstigator responds:

Next one is even better :D


hold on. mabye it's just me or are you being a bit dependant on backgrounds and sprites from Chrono Trigger? you have the jail cell. the clown. songs. i thought it was supposed to be a FF3/6 spoof. i gave points off style for that. anwyay. good series and sorry about bitching i just thought that an Final Fantasy spoof would have more stuff from Final Fantasy not Chrono Trigger. just a thought.

Vinstigator responds:

I just added those characters to throw a twist into the story. Actually Crono is not even named Crono in this series :o