i can't wait till part 7. so far the story is great. keep it up, you're doing a greatjob.
i can't wait till part 7. so far the story is great. keep it up, you're doing a greatjob.
Thank you!
not bad
Hey man, that was pretty good! I like this storyline alot, I like final fantasy movies alot too lol. Sorry bout such low scores i gave you, i prolly missed some of the parts :-/ but still! great movie, Im gonna whatcht the other 5 sometimes soon lol.
Keep it up man! Fifen
btw, u getting xi?
Thank you! I already have FFXI but I can't run it because I don't have the right graphics card. I can't even load the Tetra Card game from FFIX!
Your so mean, How could you have Zotz eyes eaten out? any ways great flash, but bring Gou back into the story
Because I believe Zotz blew the whistle on my FMV movie ;)
And Gau will be return in a future episode! Thanks for the review!
lol Chrono trigger sprites
thats awsome using Chrono trigger backround with the creepy festival guy as beckler keep up the good work!
I will :)
Can someone send me a link to the rest of these? Seriously... my fave FF, and I'm just now finding out about this. Yes, I'm sheltered. ~_~;;
Here's the link for part 7...
And if you want to see the other episodes just click this link...