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Reviews for "FFVI: The Day After Part6"


a mix of CT and FF, 2 of my fav games. the fight scene was amazing and thats 1 big ass spear. *stabs Kefka with a pin*

Kefka: see the resemblance?

Me: strangly enough. No!

Vinstigator responds:

Glad you liked it :)


I thought this was final fantasy not chrono trigger :)

Vinstigator responds:

You have no idea how much people said that when part 7 came out :)


Can someone send me a link to the rest of these? Seriously... my fave FF, and I'm just now finding out about this. Yes, I'm sheltered. ~_~;;

Vinstigator responds:

Here's the link for part 7...


And if you want to see the other episodes just click this link...


lol brillant how u put bekklar in ^_^

sounds almost like kefka and "just as ugly" lol kool ideas ^_^

Vinstigator responds:

Yeah a lot of people were suprised. And they thought it was pretty clever that I made Bekkler Kefka's brother :P

Great job

I really like the game set up and the movie series is dope but where did edger come from haah

Vinstigator responds:

Thanks. Edgar survived the crash and happened to be by where Locke, Mog, and Cyan was :)