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Reviews for "FFVI: The Day After Part6"

Nice !

It's a great improvement since the last episode of this serie. The figh scene was actually interesting ! I liked how it had weapons and a real RPG menu with the HP. It adds to the variety that you used a Chrono Trigger background. And Bekkler is... weird... is his sprite from Chrono Trigger too ? It's been a long time since I've played this game... It was funny how his laugh was just a slowed-down version of Kefka's. And that music when he entered... it looked like an orchestrated version of Kefka's theme, it kicked ass ! Great work.

Now I'm off to watch part 7...

Vinstigator responds:

Yeah this is actually one of my most interesting battle scenes because of the HP display and stuff.

Bekkler is a sprite from Chrono Trigger as well. He's the guy that runs the tent of horror and the millenial fair. And Bekkler's music is an orchestrated version of Kefka's theme. You can hear it again in part 12 :)

FF or chrono trigger?

HEHE inventive summary eh. But seriously chrono music, backgrounds and characters. don't get me wrong thats awesome but yeah. That fight seen was much better since the weapon moved, but still could be improved apon very good job though :D

Vinstigator responds:

FF Trigger :)

:) < Bekkler is creepy...

:D < but... part six is so good anyway! You did very good! That music in the last scene, awesome!!!
:D < Next is part seven

Vinstigator responds:

Part 7 is even better :)

lol Chrono trigger sprites

thats awsome using Chrono trigger backround with the creepy festival guy as beckler keep up the good work!

Vinstigator responds:

I will :)

LoL.....Liked Bekkler.

I was also happy to see Edgar, Terra, and Setzer finally brought into the story line. Keep it up. I'm really enjoying them.

Vinstigator responds:

Glad you enjoy the story :)