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Reviews for "FFVI: The Day After Part6"

That sh!t was so damn cool!

That sh!t was enjoyable! If you like NG you will very much love this flash! I will forever always love this movie. This movie is some intense ass sh!t!

(translation for gangstaz)

Sheeit man, that sheeit was some filthy ass flash. If you feelin' dis like you feel NG man you will dig dis fo'eva man! Dis sheeit will be on NG fo' long! Dis sh!t is bangin' PEACE OWWT!!!

(translation for faggots)

Like that wath tho thuper! Thith wath thum beeutiful thtuff! Thith wath tho thupercalofragilithticeckthpealidothiuth!!!

Vinstigator responds:

Thank you for translating! If you think this one was good, the next one will be better! Stay tuned!
Fo' sho

Yes! I liked this!!

Nice! I've been waiting for part6 for quite a long time now and it was worth it! Kefka's twin brother is so freaky! The storyline is just excellent for a fan made FF movie. In fact, it almost seems like something SQUARE/ENIX would do. The music for Bekkler in this was also tight due to that it was more of an orchestration of Kefka's theme. It sucks that Mog is about to die though. I hope Locke and Cyan can get out on time to save him! I look forward to part7.

Vinstigator responds:

I won a contest with my storywriting (it was years ago)and actors acted it out! I didn't even expect to win! Ever since then, I've been inspired. I really appreciate the fact that you think Square/Enix would do so something like this. I'm trying to make it as much as a Final Fantasy as possible. Thank you!

not bad

Hey man, that was pretty good! I like this storyline alot, I like final fantasy movies alot too lol. Sorry bout such low scores i gave you, i prolly missed some of the parts :-/ but still! great movie, Im gonna whatcht the other 5 sometimes soon lol.

Keep it up man! Fifen

btw, u getting xi?

Vinstigator responds:

Thank you! I already have FFXI but I can't run it because I don't have the right graphics card. I can't even load the Tetra Card game from FFIX!


i can't wait till part 7. so far the story is great. keep it up, you're doing a greatjob.

Vinstigator responds:

Thank you!


But please dont kill off mog because hes the best character in FF6(well at least not greater then kefka and sephiroth)I just pray that Bekklar does not get any of Mogs eyes

Vinstigator responds:

Don't worry, I listen to my fans.