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Reviews for "FFVI: The Day After Part6"

Another Great Movie

I Will point at some importants points:
-You Introduced the new characters with a lot of creativity.
-You were right, Bekkler is A SICK MAN. Nice work on making him crazier than Kefka.
-This Movie was funnier, Bekkler gives a sense of humor to this serie. The part I loved was
"I will be seeing you".
-The Battle animation Kicked ass!
-Just one bad thing: make the time between scenes shorter. Its just a little thing.
-As Always you've done a great job. Sorry you could not win the award for 5th december :(.

Well Vince I'm waiting anxiously the next part...
Will Locke, Cyan and Mog escaped?
Will the Espers come back?

Great Job Man!!!

Vinstigator responds:

Thanks for noticing all of those things! I also thought I had a pretty good build up for Bekkler. And that "seeing you around" joke makes him sick and funny! You will like what I have in store for future episodes! All of your questions (well not all of them) will be answered in part 7!


This is a great movie with a great story.

Vinstigator responds:

Glad you liked the story, thanks!

I knew it.

I knew as soon as you used the name beckler you were reffering to Norstine beckler (I think thats how its spelled) From Crono Trigger which is one of my all time fav RPG's. AL HAIL CHRONO. hey when your done with this series you can make a Crono trigger one (you can put me in it too lol) anyway just work on your fiht sceens a little. The story telling is the best part but if your gonna have fight sceens then try to do them great ok. good luck

Vinstigator responds:

Yup, the storyline is my main thing. Everything else is secondary. I was actually thinking of doing a Chrono Trigger one after this series but it will be a while before I get to that. And Chrono Trigger is also my second favorite game of all time (FFVI is my first)! Thanks for the feedback!

Pretty good

I liked this,my only problem is that there was too much text and not enough action,in part 7 i'd suggest have more battles,most people get bored seeing too much text(believe me they've said it about some of my earlier movies)but overall this was a good flash,keep it up!

Vinstigator responds:

But the thing that makes this series unique is the storytelling. Heck, part one only had text and it scored pretty damn good! In fact, it scored better than sprite movies that had action! Glad you liked it, though!

Oh man, Mog, nooooooo

Hey, this is great stuff, don't let Mog die though. Keep up the great work!

Vinstigator responds:

Just hope that Bekkler doesn't like Moogles....oh wait, that's his delicacy.