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Reviews for "FFVI: The Day After Part6"


Lol, bekkler is so ugly lol...I hate him so much! I laugh when I saw him! The movie was really good!!! I love your ideas!!! This Part was really good, I like the idea of adding new characters in the ff3 serie...except for Vince, he doesnt really have the ff3 style..But whatever, we can see that you improve yourself after each video!!!
Keep it up!!!

Vinstigator responds:

Glad you liked it :)

Good series

It's a pretty good series, I like it a lot. I liked this one more then the past five. The preloader was cool but it didnt really work. I liked this but you kinda have to be an FF fan to like this. I don't know where this series is going but I'm lookin foreward to it. Keep up the good work.

Vinstigator responds:


This one is good, had some humor in it

Beklerr is one ugly fellow, i wonder how this will continue... ON TO THE NEXT EPI!!!

Vinstigator responds:

Hope the next episode won't dissapoint

Ahhh...good old Bekkler

Each episode seems to be improving upon the last. I liked the fight scene in this much better than the last. And this is a nice blend of Crono and Final Fantasy. I wonder if Bekkler is in this, why not the Crono crew? :)

Anyway, good work

Vinstigator responds:

One of them might show up, you never know ;)


it gives me that rpg vibe on ng soo good but so short give it a 5 though.

Vinstigator responds:

The score you give me is climbing :)