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Reviews for "FFVI: The Day After Part6"

Pretty good

I liked this,my only problem is that there was too much text and not enough action,in part 7 i'd suggest have more battles,most people get bored seeing too much text(believe me they've said it about some of my earlier movies)but overall this was a good flash,keep it up!

Vinstigator responds:

But the thing that makes this series unique is the storytelling. Heck, part one only had text and it scored pretty damn good! In fact, it scored better than sprite movies that had action! Glad you liked it, though!

Nice !

It's a great improvement since the last episode of this serie. The figh scene was actually interesting ! I liked how it had weapons and a real RPG menu with the HP. It adds to the variety that you used a Chrono Trigger background. And Bekkler is... weird... is his sprite from Chrono Trigger too ? It's been a long time since I've played this game... It was funny how his laugh was just a slowed-down version of Kefka's. And that music when he entered... it looked like an orchestrated version of Kefka's theme, it kicked ass ! Great work.

Now I'm off to watch part 7...

Vinstigator responds:

Yeah this is actually one of my most interesting battle scenes because of the HP display and stuff.

Bekkler is a sprite from Chrono Trigger as well. He's the guy that runs the tent of horror and the millenial fair. And Bekkler's music is an orchestrated version of Kefka's theme. You can hear it again in part 12 :)


Lol, bekkler is so ugly lol...I hate him so much! I laugh when I saw him! The movie was really good!!! I love your ideas!!! This Part was really good, I like the idea of adding new characters in the ff3 serie...except for Vince, he doesnt really have the ff3 style..But whatever, we can see that you improve yourself after each video!!!
Keep it up!!!

Vinstigator responds:

Glad you liked it :)

Ya know...

No matter how many times I hear Kefka or Bekkler laugh, it still sounds like a King Boo or Bowser. :P Good work.

Vinstigator responds:

That's what some people say. Who knows, maybe they based his laugh off of the boos from Super Mario bros. :P

where ?

hey the room where locke and cyan were lock , i never saw that on the game play on the snes. maybe i forget thing but i dont think so.

Vinstigator responds:

I ripped the background from Chrono Trigger ;)