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Reviews for "SBC plays pacman"


We need more GOOD anti clock flash like this. Anti clocks nowadays are so stupid it's tedious making fun of them, it's too easy.


keicho responds:

this is not anticlock, otherwise Ive just submited it during the anticlock day. Is a clock movie with REALLY carefully planned animation.


very smooth

and very funny

i like the fight scene especially, if u wanna call it that

the graphics were real nice, u guys keep getting better and better

keep it up :)

Warning - contains spoilers!

I never really thought about how sick Pac Man's death was until watching this!!

Nice job, made me smile. I like the little touches like the strawberry-juice splatting on the screen, and the use of the original Pac-Man-dying sound when the kid gets kicked off the game.

And the "tastes like chicken" surrealism I found amusing.


I LoVe ThE EfFoRt ThAt WaS mAdE iNto MaKinG ThiS.SwEet GrApHiCz


pretty nice dude, the animation was PHENOMINAL!!!