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Reviews for "SBC plays pacman"


We need more GOOD anti clock flash like this. Anti clocks nowadays are so stupid it's tedious making fun of them, it's too easy.


keicho responds:

this is not anticlock, otherwise Ive just submited it during the anticlock day. Is a clock movie with REALLY carefully planned animation.

This has the highest score on newgrounds!

It has .02 more then the YuYu! Making it the best flash on newgrounds!


man that was the coolest falsh ive seen in this month and nice graphics that was very funny pac man said"u know this tastes like chicken" haha!!! happy clockday

Damn good

You have fantastic style and the animation was really slick with good sound effects, a high quality flash movie all round

One of the most origional clock day submissions

Very unique way of animating strawberry and a very good storyline. Nice jorb.