Kickass! (kick-fruity-ass)
Nice job kecho or keicho or kebler, whatever your name is, it's plain weird xD
Viva la animacion fbf con inspiracion de Ren y Stimpy, hace pwnzor!11! shift1
Kickass! (kick-fruity-ass)
Nice job kecho or keicho or kebler, whatever your name is, it's plain weird xD
Viva la animacion fbf con inspiracion de Ren y Stimpy, hace pwnzor!11! shift1
This has the highest score on newgrounds!
It has .02 more then the YuYu! Making it the best flash on newgrounds!
Damn good
You have fantastic style and the animation was really slick with good sound effects, a high quality flash movie all round
One of the most origional clock day submissions
Very unique way of animating strawberry and a very good storyline. Nice jorb.
Good stuff. 5/5 10/10
I noticed that in the beginning the Pacman on the game is thumbs up. But after SBC puts the clocktopian quarter in, he's flipping off.