Ill never play pacman the same way again
I love how he died from the guy touching him I never really thought of it like that before
Ill never play pacman the same way again
I love how he died from the guy touching him I never really thought of it like that before
good, good
keep it up, and maybe people will realise clocks can do well. and retard below, don't expect us to believe that. the author would tell us if there was another version on the net, and this is finished by the looks of it anywas. is he didn't want anyone to see it, he wouldn't put it on the net! don't follow his stupid link, it could go anywhere.
That was some crazy stuff but bunched up together really funny like,great Clock day submission.
Disturbing, but hilarious.
This movie is one of the reasons that you're one of my favorite flash artists. You kick ass, my good sir.