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Reviews for "SBC plays pacman"

This was funny.

Very well done. Honestly, this is the only clock cartoon that I've seen that I've enjoyed. Very well done, aside from the sound which got really fuzzy like at points. (even that wasn't too too bad.)

cool =)

That was really cool, I got kinda pissed when PacMan ate Strawberry Clock. Besides that it was totally KICK ASS!

Really awesome!

The style kind of reminded me of Ren and Stimpy.


This was the best style of animation I have seen in FOREVER. You are a wise man of flash, you really took your time into this. The whole flash was funny and when Pac-Man was dying, I thought that was pretty well voiced out, plus when Pac-Man was eating the dots, it was frikken awesome. Keep up the good work man!

ummmthat is

Weird dude...