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Reviews for "SBC plays pacman"

What's weird...

In this film, you portray StrawberryClock in a very odd fashion. It sort of makes me feel like I want to puke. I'm not sure why, but it seems off. Nonetheless, this is a great contribution to the animation world.

keicho responds:

its called "carefully done fbf in a clock movie" what makes you want to puke ;)


I've been watching the colllabs you've been in and the animations you have done, they are quite impressive and this is the best by FAR! also you should make a zombie flash, the violence in this PWNEED}


uhhg that's gross kinda like ren and stimpy

yup that's exactly like ren and stimpy if anyone remembers that show and by the way what ever happened to that show?


funny when pacman gives you a thumbs up when sbc puts in coin he flips you off XD *this actully taste like chicken* XD

