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Reviews for "The Challenge RPG"


THIS WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!! i got to level 9999 lol then i stopped but it was so fun u should add like skills and armor and stuff.


I have the best weapon, and i'm killing lvl 999 guys, so i can later kill that guy of lvl 9999... This is just the BEST game ever made! i love it! just love it! w00000000000hhhh!!!

I have voted 10/10 and 5/5!!!!

i love it!!!

but im like lvl 2500 with best wep and i cant kill a 9999 pluss i found a glitch when you try and fight lvl 1000+ it changes to 9999


hahaha stuff u lot im a lvl 11970!!!no joke i ownthe lvl 9999s! the angel of death, my best account lol!


you think that's good my person *ultimate pker is 1042!!i killed the 9999 easlalso awesome game!