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Reviews for "The Challenge RPG"

ok but

it would be bad on line muti plaer

Good Time Killer

The Game itself really has no point, and once you get above lvl9999 the game just gets boring. I dont know if it is bugged or not, but you start with all the spells instead of having to buy them.
If anything, there should be more swords above #20, because even after lvl9999, the lvl9999 thugs are still a bitch to kill. Also, armor would be an insane new feature if you had time to add it. I see a "The Challenge: A Second Awakening" Coming in the near future, haha.

this is easy as hell dude

man i am already like level 2000 something so 999 level bosses die in 1 turn dude just use demon pit omfg he lost no matter what he loses if u us edemon pit on 999 level guy but 9999 is to hard ude 1 hit kill unless you use defence then it went to like30 or so but million bolt uses and exta 100 so i'm like wtf. now ou get meso make it a little better i like nopt buying spell for once. good work dude

When will this become multi-player?

I have gone 2 ur website and u r making it inot a MMOPHG, when will this happen?

9999 waz easy

Great game i got bored so i leveled up to 5513 after i beat the level 9999