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Reviews for "The Challenge RPG"


awsome game dude i made it to lvl 2021 and almost beat lv 9999 guy! (he used demon pit on me on last turn before he would of died)but dude reli awsome game


you should make a rpg version of this game because once you get some spells you can kill almost anything xept for the lv 9999 one

good job, i mean it

good, mabey you can make another one, but with a storyline

Awesome game...although....

This was an awesome game...although....there should've been boundaries to the levels...for example...the farthest i got in the game (in levels) is 14827......and that's pretty strong...i had over 13 million credits........ooh! ooh! And also...can there be a boss every time you advance 10 levels? if you DO make a "The Challenge 2"...............


Beat lv. 9999 at lv.6853.