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Reviews for "The Challenge RPG"

Im better then that

That's nothing my guy "The Red Death" is at battle lv. 4000 or something around that. But everytime i think i can beat the lv 9999 they kill me with some spell. damn. but all and all sweet game

nice game ! and i love it!

i almost finish it! and im alredy at battle level 1538! nice............and i saved money to buy the 20 level sword wich do 9999 damage! and thats it! one more this is a 1# rpg game!

favorite game!

this was my favorite game!


this is very cool when you get high lvl. i killed the lvl. 9999

its was good but need to be more challenging

true im sitting here right now waiting for my person ot finish lvling from a lvl 9999 it was a good game but i dont think ne one can kill people that are high lvls they need to make more weapons also