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Reviews for "The Challenge RPG"


greeat 10/10 not much humor except when you knock out a guy almost 100x your level in 1 hit..

Nice Job

It was fun.leveled up too fast I played it for 2 hours and had a character (little red marble) level 657 its now 14984!game gets kinda boring after a while and the lvl 9999 enemy feature was
awesome cause i level up 300 times every time i beat him/her
all i used was demon pit.B++ rated game.keep up the good work :)

awesome game.

i loved it!!! i beat the lvl 9999 three times,i reached a lvl 12627,and yet i found a problem.once you get the 20th sword the most dmg you can do is like 296781 or sumthing like that,but the dmg should rise on lvl not on sword lvl


I beat that nice level 9999 >:D...I got to lvl 16000.You should make a second one of this but make it have more swords and be able to buy a large range of hats. There should also be a BIG box of colors that you can choose from. i dont like the choosey thing where you hit <previous Next>....... and try and make the damage go up higher with swords. sry for the kinda long submit thing.YAY


This game rocks i'm lvl 2105 and have the best swoed.