wow super easy and super fun.
1 hit kill on lvl 999. this game needs more levels lol. demon pit + highest sword kills anything but lvl 9999. good job though. graphics arn't bad, game was sure fun.
wow super easy and super fun.
1 hit kill on lvl 999. this game needs more levels lol. demon pit + highest sword kills anything but lvl 9999. good job though. graphics arn't bad, game was sure fun.
but onley promlem is that its stolen from stupid fest
nice game ! and i love it!
i almost finish it! and im alredy at battle level 1538! nice............and i saved money to buy the 20 level sword wich do 9999 damage! and thats it! one more this is a 1# rpg game!
COOOOOLLL!!!! just COOOOOOLLLLLLLL it has like and rpg thing and new wepeans but i think threr should be armour but thats doesn't matter becase this game is like eletric Dynimite
This game is awesome
Now is easier too level and get more credits it will be more en joyful.