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Reviews for "Pixels on the Brain"

A little too long if you ask me.

It was still good. The parts with the screaming monkey were my favorite. Great flash overall.

That was a bit long.

How many were on there again? I did like that one before the ninja turtles. hehehe!

....Put a preloader in it...

U should really put a preloader in it cuz the movie was buffering and it stoped and then played,making it crappy to watch...I liked how it was done,but add a preloader

Most overrated Newgrounds entry ever.

I can't say I laughed more than twice during this. The majority of the skits were predictable (Bomberman, Bubble Bobble), annoying (SMB3, Sonic The Hedgehog), or just plain unfunny (Castlevania, Fire Emblem). I was highly disappointed in Sonic, seeing as how you could've done much, much more with the concept of Sonic.I enjoyed though with the FZero X and Metriod scenes, though.


That was so funny I was crying... the skits went through so smoothly that by the time it was done I couldn't even breath because I was laughing so damn hard!!! I just have to say this is my ALL TIME FAVOURITE thing on newgrounds!!! Nothing can express the AWESOMENESS of this movie! It's just too good for human eyes! ~Starts cryin'~