Tom's right, you don't need an attention span!
I love how fast each sketch goes by. Their all so simple and effortless, yet at the same time hilarious! Best collab ever! Seriously! Make more! Make more!
Tom's right, you don't need an attention span!
I love how fast each sketch goes by. Their all so simple and effortless, yet at the same time hilarious! Best collab ever! Seriously! Make more! Make more!
That was definately worth the time to watch. I enjoyed the humor. My favorites were SMB2, Super Metroid, Donkey Kong, and the Ninja Turtles theme brings back childhood memories. The SMB2 was the most clever. The FF6 scene with Kefka was pretty funny... most people should have played the games to understand most of the humor. Did you ever know that you're my hero?
The best parts where the smb2 and metroid parts. lol!!!! Do it! Do it! *gasps* Damn those are bigger than I thought! GOLD. PURE GOLD!!!!!
Great submission but the micheal jackson bit was uncalled 4... loved the mertoid part the most!!!!
great job
good effort
this was a good idea but most of it just wasn't humorous.