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Reviews for "Pixels on the Brain"

pretty good

i liked it for 2 reasons, 1: there were many different scenes to watch and two: it was a good flash. keep up the good work.

I'd put 3 thumbs up if I had 'em.

It was great I laughed at all of them except the TMNT one, but I suppose it gets hard to think after a while huh?! lol.

The screaming monkey. You cant even comment on that it was so funny ... Oh wait I just did. You all did great. Do more like this. It really is great for us people with ADHD!! Anywhoo Excellent, I'll put up all the thumbs I have. ............................ I think thats 2, Maybe.
(Scratches head.)

"Those are bigger than I thought!"

Flawless! Need I say more other than "Make another one!"
"You gave this entry a 5, raising its score from 3.9301 to 3.9303!"


that was very nice
its nice see things like robot chicken but for games
but the last reviewer was a bit of a douche bag
LOL :)
I pretty much said all i needed to say

that was like robot chicken, without the humor

I pretty much said all i needed to say