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Reviews for "Pixels on the Brain"


It was nice to see a wide range of games used....(even ones that only exsist in japan) but there was too many random fart jokes which is a bit anoying and u stoll the donkey kong joke from somewhere.....I think...... also most of the jokes wern't that funny but hey its still good work!

P.S. fix the loading bar!

Loved It!

Really good stuff. Looks like you took time to do it right and I really like that. Keep doing stuff like this please.


HAHAHAHA Although it wasnt great..and there were a lot of shit references in the beginning...it was pretty funny. And it took a shit load of work. So I tip my hat to you and say that you worked hard on this one. Nice


Quite random, I must say. But what I did like, was that each part was short, and long in its own way, and the static, reminded me so much of Robot Chicken, which makes me laugh.
5/5 from me, because of how it made me laugh. And how I loved it.