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Reviews for "Pixels on the Brain"

Its like Robot Chicken... but with video games...

Very very good! i love the whole origanlity behind the screen changing channels... and the 16-bit monkey...


wow i loved that soo much, that was the best use of sprites i have ever seen

Blast From The Past!

My god, that was amazing.
I haven't seen a lot of those games since I was a kid, and a lot of the humor was just my type. You have no idea how many time I thought that Peach bit deserved to be in a game.
Also, the Mortal Kombat bit had me dying, seriously.
Great work guys, and keep improving. I want more!


Btw dont bother listening to a person with a screen name like "chocolax"...sounds like a pokemon. NEwayz, loved it, brought back lots of memories!


Wow that was weird.. most of the jokes were crap, more kiddie humour than anything! the only 1 that made me laugh was where the the woman took her top off and the alien came out with his remark! lol but i think you should read a few joke books then get back to making funny flash movies!