Robot Chicken but with Viedeogames!
Dude this rocked!!!! one of my favorites ever!!!
Robot Chicken but with Viedeogames!
Dude this rocked!!!! one of my favorites ever!!!
True Masterpiece
That was the best thing EVER. I especially liked the Super Metroid part. "Damn those are bigger than I thought!" Great work.
Those were the days.
I miss the SNES/NES/Genesis Era. That was before fanboyism got to be extremely rampant. Sure there was genesis vs SNES arguments but they weren't nearly as bad as today. But back on topic, I love this flash. It's a really original idea, funny music, unexpected moments, fun menu, well animated, well illustrated, and loads of quirky humor. This has really impressed me. Bravo. :D
It was watching an episode of "Robot Chicken" but with pixels.
frigging good
i always have liked these old game parodies and this is one of the best i have seen in ages