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Reviews for "Pixels on the Brain"

Robot Chicken but with Viedeogames!

Dude this rocked!!!! one of my favorites ever!!!

True Masterpiece

That was the best thing EVER. I especially liked the Super Metroid part. "Damn those are bigger than I thought!" Great work.

Those were the days.

I miss the SNES/NES/Genesis Era. That was before fanboyism got to be extremely rampant. Sure there was genesis vs SNES arguments but they weren't nearly as bad as today. But back on topic, I love this flash. It's a really original idea, funny music, unexpected moments, fun menu, well animated, well illustrated, and loads of quirky humor. This has really impressed me. Bravo. :D


It was watching an episode of "Robot Chicken" but with pixels.

frigging good

i always have liked these old game parodies and this is one of the best i have seen in ages