Awsomely awsome!
This is so cool! Where did come up with the idea?
This was an awsome submisson!
Awsomely awsome!
This is so cool! Where did come up with the idea?
This was an awsome submisson!
Pretty good, but..
Quality beats quanity a long shot. It was really random.. And im not saying its bad, but it comes too early or too late.
If I could give this a 20, I would.......A++
The Super Metroid Bit Was my Favorite Part.....*Damn those are bigger than I though* lol
Good Job
V Funny
It would have been even better if the screaming monkey had found his game. The pokemon bit was cool, I love those games.
Amazing job!! There should be a part two, 'cause this was fantastic! I liked the part where boogerman farted and killed pikachu