haha lmao
That was excellent, good for many laughs. I hope u come out wit another one like this i'll love to see it.
haha lmao
That was excellent, good for many laughs. I hope u come out wit another one like this i'll love to see it.
Good layout!
Could be a good series. Keep the humor going!
I'd put 3 thumbs up if I had 'em.
It was great I laughed at all of them except the TMNT one, but I suppose it gets hard to think after a while huh?! lol.
The screaming monkey. You cant even comment on that it was so funny ... Oh wait I just did. You all did great. Do more like this. It really is great for us people with ADHD!! Anywhoo Excellent, I'll put up all the thumbs I have. ............................ I think thats 2, Maybe.
(Scratches head.)
omg how am i going to get out
can't stop laughing can someone get me some acnce cream
lol loved the part with the screaming monkey!