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Reviews for "CI: Unregulated"


This has got to be one of the most spectacular flashes I've ever seen. The animation was suberb, and the action intense. I'm suprised it all fit into the size limit. NG is way overdue for science fiction flashes, I hope to see much more great works from you in the future, keep up the excellent work!


This is the true potential of flash!
There is nothing anyone can say that will change the fact that this is #1!!!
The best quality Graphics i've ever seen!
and for an actionpacked movie it had a storyline!
if anyone hasn't started flash yet this would be their inspiration to at least try!

Another class A flash!

Simply amazing, I tip my hat to you.


I love your flash and I love your movies, your the bomb I just wish you made some more Combat Instinct game flash :D


There are few people who can make freelance animations as good as this, hopefully I can reach and surpass this level of creativity.