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Reviews for "CI: Unregulated"




I've always liked C.I.The small "story" gave it a purpose, all the different point of view shot were pretty awsome, all the little details (port vulcan 2 cam, ARMED TORPEDO STILL ATTACHED) made it more interesting. Overall, this was pretty darn cool as well as the of C.I.'s

Realistic movement!

*spoiler warning*
Anyway, it's almost impossible to see anyone EVER do a near realistic space combat. This is about as close as I'll expect to see. The drift movement, and conservation of momentum was awesome! Watching the missles try to home in on moving targets was just great. I just want to let you know that your efforts did NOT go unnoticed! :D I guess the only thing more realistic would be to get rid of the sounds, but what the hell, most peeps don't know any better. (I also appreciated the measurments in "bar"!)
The 3d effects had a weird paper-cutout look to them. I liked it, and the style was cool. The story elements were easy to jump into. All in all, just a SOLID piece of work! Gotta now check out all your other flash work. Hope it's as good! You got my 5.

McFretN responds:

I love it when people recognise the effort i put in the movements. I tried to make this look different than all other sci fi movies and games where space ships move just like airplanes (it disgusts me). You seem to be the first guy who noticed how the "3D" is done (or came close to it). *pats himself on the back for fooling all those before you* :D

Highly Impressive

That very well may be the best flash movie I've ever or will ever see on the entire internet I am speachless the ... the plot was incredible and ... Just wow... wow


I give it 10 STARS Great effects