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Reviews for "CI: Unregulated"


This is thee best flash animation i have seen since the fallen angel teaser! I am stunned at how good this movies is! Glad to see you back McFretN!


Hey man....i played CI3 when it frist came out...I've always loved your stuff....lol espically the cheats...The flame thrower and..hmm what was the other super weapon??...anyways....Great to see YOU again making stuff about CI....Latez...BTW....CI3 boss was WAAAY to hard lol...

That was FUCKING awsome!

Nice 3D!

Excellent Work!!

One of the Visually Best I've seen on Newgrounds. The previous reviewer is whacked on a few points, however.

1. Yes, you possibly could have used better sounds, However the ones you do have are Excellent.
2. Focusing on the story is never a bad thing, and Shields and Bigger Guns only fit if there are supposed to be bigger guns availiable for the spaceraft's Technology and Design
3. Bah what do you know, can never please everyone, nebula is fine, better then empty space.
4. You can have fire in space, it just burns quickly and is fueled by the oxygen in the lifesupprt systems, and other reactants in the fuel systems. Explosions in space do have a uniqe shape, however they are sphereical in shape without exception, no gravity to distort the expansion patterns
5. the fire effects may want refinement, but it is still a lot better then 90% of the attempts out there


McFretN responds:

Thanks for saving my time to respond to that other reviewer. What you said about explosions in space is interesting, i never thought of it like that before. I guess the cheap gradient explosions in CI1 are even more accurate than these ones :)

Wow, I really found this kind of flash when I was a kid!