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Reviews for "CI: Unregulated"

Ahh Man!!

I always get Giddy when I see McFretn has released another Flash.
and the Man never disapoints!
He has some of the best Bitmapping and Tween Techniques that I have seen in any flash. And it all contributes to an awesome segment.
This Flight action Scene was so excellently Produced and Directed that you can't help but feel you're watching a scene to a make larger movie.

great job man.

You're Fan


McFretN responds:

I was hoping for a review from you. thanks man! :)

Welcome Back McFretN

Missed seeing your animations. This one is totally kick ass!!! Been a huge fan of yours forever!!! But I still think you should finish "Brutality"

Graphics - 100

Holy God in heaven this is the most graphic intense flash movie I have seen to date and done with the style of a movie!


Yo McFretn..ik weet niet of je me nog kent maar ik vond het dus echt jammer toen je besloot te stoppen met flash. En nu kom je met dit filmpje en hij is keihard gewoon :D Ik hoop dat er meer zal komen.

- een van je fans

~ Alper Polat

( ik heb btw nog steeds je voorbeeldje.fla van een paar jaar geleden =P het heeft veel geholpen, nogmaals bedankt )


ur work always is