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Reviews for "CI: Unregulated"

wow professionaly done. fucking awsome dude

wow thats great graphics dude keep up the good work u can make it big in the animation business. i loved this flash, i was stunned by the quality of graphics and how original it was. this deserves nothing less than a fucking gold medal

The work of a master of sci-fi

this was so amazing. Ok graphics where that of amazing quality,- i can relate them to that of men in black, which was also an amzing sci-fi, one of the best. Style was your own, and styles of your own which differ from others are the best. Sound was so well done with the movie, in fact, im going to go get that music. Violence wad a solid 6, because there wasn't a grusome amount, but whose to say a big amount of violence is good. Interactivity was also very well done, even though most people are probably too stupid to relize that changing quality with "q" and cycling through the movie with arrow keys is interactivity. Humor wasn't there, but amazing visuals which was very close to it. Overall 10, amazing job Mcfretn! And just because you didn't get the awards you diserve, and most people are mindless fools who vote for movies like "bunnykill" mearly because it has pointless violence, that should put you down. Your probably the most amazing author on NG!


I've only got one thing to say...you're a genius mate!


once again McFretN, u've out done ureseft... first with CI2, then CI3 and now this... u r the best flash artist there is... ever!


something different, well done.