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Reviews for "CI: Unregulated"

pfft, boring

Oaky, ill give you 3 marks for your animation skills because they were top notch. I was just bored shitless. Nothing happend except spaceships flying around for about 4 minutes. You have great potential. If you just made sumthing with more story, humour or action then it could be brilliant

McFretN responds:

Seems you didnt get the point. And thats not my fault

looked like a game for the N64

i did not care for it, it did not have very good graphics and was boring


that was boring like really boring but you did a good job on some of the graphics.

Hmm, not my thing

I have never been a fan of this 3d animation. Try more handwork next time. And a better colour palette would also help. I like some of your other animations though