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Reviews for "CI: Unregulated"


Wow... Um... Wow... That just blew me away. It was beautiful. *Eyes tear up* Definetly one of my favourtie animations on Newgrounds. Not alot to do with the games though, aside from a slightly similiar cruiser. Make more, or a hoard of CI crazed fans will kidnap you and force you to work on flash 24/7!

the artwork of a god

this is the best art iv seen for flash on ng i am really impressed

and i have a question for serrar sesne he said it was one of the best
u gave it a 9 which doesnt make sense being the best is a 10 i am really confused about that

I loved this

This is definately one of the better action flicks on Newgrounds.

I read some of the other reviews, specifically the ones that give this a bad rating. I don't know if you should take it as a compliment or an insult that one of the reviewers basically said "This flash has artwork and graphics that is too good, and should be blammed".

I also hate fuckers who go on that whole spiel about "Oh, this doesn't have a point, it needs more humor, it needs more of a story"

Man, people that give reviews like that need to shut up. A 3 minute flash is not going to have an epic story. Entertainment does not have a point, nor does it need one.

Reminds me of the attack on the Death Star...

This was a great movie. It looked so real, I thought I was playing a game. Also, more detail than I expected. BTW, the gunners on the mini vulcans can't shoot lol.

Awesome, after all these years it's still good. Biggest question I have is where can I get the Ka-Sol song in this? It's so good I have been searching it for years and I still can't find it.