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Reviews for "CI: Unregulated"


Lolz! You should submit this to every website you know! It would give you a good rep!


Man those Cruisers are Fricken evasive lol.. Would make an awesome video game... Keep up the good Work.... Good Job... the perfect addition to Newgrounds!!!

Wow...Will you marry me?

Dude, Holy SHIT! I love you! I've been waiting for you to hopefully come out with something for the longest time. I'm one of the biggest fans of Combat Instinct games. I've never gotten tired of them. Seriously you're definitely one of the best flashmakers on this site. Everything on this was amazing, from graphics to how it ran quality wise, to sound...It was all just truly amazing. This was just...so badass I almost creamed my pants when I saw the front page and that you made another CI...Keep making more, I'm begging you, this is the best flash I've ever seen...no joke. The best.


That was just awesome. I loved it, its great work. I can't say much about it that hasn't already been taken note of, so good work and keep it up.

You are fantastic!

This is my second reveiw of this movie, but I have to congrat you again. Your Combat Instinct series are really cool. The remind me so much of Homeworld 2. This should also be a game, I mean it would be so fun (but laggy on a comp). I cant wait till you make another movie like this because your movies just kick ass, and the effort you put in really came through.

p.s Why does Pilot Baldy have to die all the time?