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Reviews for "CI: Unregulated"

woot another combat instinct

great movie but needs bigg boom at ending
a playable game of this in the future would be good 2


Friggin sweet. Some fucked up shite right there. Even more fucked up tunes. Awesome.

*clap clap clap clap clap*

Brilliant, worth a fuggin medal, loved it, cant hate it, love the music, downloading it, want to see it again, will stop talking...


that shit was off the coat rack my dog, that was awsome i would like to know what programs u used besides flash and photoshop

oooo, aaaa

Holy fuck. That was freaking awesome. The space-scape was just beautiful and the ship graphics were unbelievably intricate and detailed. But the real gem of this flash is the sound. The sound effects blew my mind. The sound the fighters made when charging up, the minigun on the cruiser, the explosions, they were crisp and clear and were just fucking sweet. The music was perfect as well. When i listen to psy trance that's the kind of scene i think of, in deep space somewhere travelling through a psychedelic vortex or space ships in devastating combat. This flash is like brain candy all wrapped up in gorgeous visuals and sounds that make my ears happy.

McFretN responds:

Wonderful! :)