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Reviews for "CI: Unregulated"

great dogfight

Dude that was verry impressive! Your work is awesome... You're a great flash artist! I'd really love to talk with you about 3D in Flash movies... my icq number is 48235895. Thx for crediting my starlight odyssey btw!

McFretN responds:

Thanks. Your movie motivated me to actually get started on making this, thats why it deserves credit. Please email me ci.inbox@gmail.com because i dont have icq


Im not a fan of space and shit but that was fuckin sick. W00t All my 5 go on that!

I'm short of words

to describe this .. this.... this masterpiece.


OMFG! That Kicked ass!

Shit man! that was some pretty crazy shit ya got goin' there! The battle sequence with the music was really crazy. Dude... this is definately the best there ever is! Good job! :)


I can't comprehend the magnificance!
Stylish beyond belief, Graphically superior to any flash I've seen. Controlled Beautifully in sync. Excellent choice of Psytrance music that fitted well with the flash.
I'm really sorry, I can't think of the words to describe this! But, like the last guy, get a job in animation of something.
THAT, is talent! Pure Talent! I'm very very picky with flash, and I'd rate yours an 11 if I could. Very good job!