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Reviews for "CI: Unregulated"

that was awesome

dude that was soo cool i mean the manuvering looked like it really was in space it was almost flawless the way they battled so realalistic looking the starting and ending credits where awesome with that transision i couldnt find anything wrong t was great plz make more this flash was awesome

wow... simply wow

No wonder its on the front page, thats all i have to say :D

It reminded me so much of Freespace 2, bah ill have to dig out my logitek 3D joystick and attempt to get it working again :P

the one thing missing from the battle scenes is beam weapons ;D if youve seen Freespace then you'll agree that would of made the battle so much more interesting.

you should make more, or a sequal in one way after this... the only problem then would be trying to live up to this one :p

good job, keep up the good work.


that was just nice , the best special effects ever :)

seriously awsome

I really hope you make a series out of this it was sweet


heres the best 3d movie on NG .
Im wondering why its score is 4.32 , i mean , what idiot could vote under 5 on this ?
hey McFretN could you tell me where i can download that program or download a trial from it .
I cant wait to see more stuff of you ; )