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Reviews for "CI: Unregulated"

Simply Spectacular Like Your Other Works

It's another 10/10 like your other works. I watched this over and over and over again. You made it as my 3rd favorite and that's no small feat. Tell me when your coming out with another. I gave you a ten oneverything cuz your my favorite author.

Great Plus!!!

Hy!, you did a nice work on this animation, looks awesome on everyway, enjoy when the pilot was going to die inside the ship and decide to suicide(kind of independence day) that was cool, well done sounds and overall is pretty perfect. Gave you 9, that's good brou. Keep up the nice work!



Why didnt George Lucas get u on the star wars team m8?

seriously, awesome music, awesome graphics. the reason i didnt give it 10 is basically coz sci-fi battle things aren't really my sorta 'OMFG THAT WAS A 10'. seriously tho, u r a professional no doubt about it XD

The price of war.

Reinforcements you can't live without them.

This video was a good inspiration of space battles and wars.


Reminds me of the attack on the Death Star...

This was a great movie. It looked so real, I thought I was playing a game. Also, more detail than I expected. BTW, the gunners on the mini vulcans can't shoot lol.