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Reviews for "dbz thingy 3"

I thought that was great

You did really good with the drawings on that, I couldn't have done so good myself. That was really good, and it looks like you put a lot of time into this movie. You should really make more like this, and I am going to go and watch the others.

zerox4 your an idiot

man good flash zerox4 just and idiot who cares if its a secne from a dbz you cant even do half as good

this is for the reviewer "freetrade"...

So what if it's after the fusion? That just proves that this is original and not traced and that it must take a whole lot of effort and talent to make these. So, you shouldn't vote low just because it is incorrect, infact, it makes it more original...(I do think it was before the fusion though...well, I can't remember).

Whatever, I give this 5 because I love DBZ...


Good tracing, you got it almost perfect, but its a shame you didn't clean up the frames, otherwise this would totally rock. I'd suggest Toon Boom Studio if you're thinking about doing this more often its a better program for drawing over film.

Also to Shonen Jump Clock: Dragonball AF doesn't exist, it was a prank.


To make something so accurate to the actual fighting scene in the show must have taken a lot of analyzation (loser like? yea, but I kinda remember each bit of that episode also, cuz the action was awesome, so who cares). Anyway, I like the animation, with a lot of practice, u can make something......really, really cool in the future.