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Reviews for "dbz thingy 3"


You should just recreate an entire episode of DBZ. By your Work, you seem to be good at copying. Also, you said that you "dont like dbz i just like the fighting" What part don't you like?


Nothing special, although Im not a DBZ fan. The sound was probabally the part that brought it down the most though. Clean it up and bring up the volume and It would be better


Yeah it was good...there just wasn't much to it...but you show promise I'll give you that. Try adding some storyline...I haven't seen the other ones so I'm probably just telling you stuff you already know but meh whatever.

Oh and to the last reviewer death_and_beyond it's ok not to like it, but could you be at least a little intelligent and offer some constructive critism, not just swear at him.'


I hate dbz

But this was an awesome fbf animation!


LOL im surprised u the whole scene frame by frame