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Reviews for "dbz thingy 3"


o man, it may have been a plotless fight scene, and there may have been no dialogue or even an amazin soundtrack to go with it.
But i gotta hand it to you man, the graphics and the smoothness of the scene was amazin, truly brilliant, i gave u a 5 to help u on ur way


That look so good.Dude you shoud make more but longer.


That was the most accurate DBZ fight scene i have ever seen since the actual show...very good

you did great.

if you did trace,you rip off the work of Akira Toriyama with greatness. if you dont,then you should start working on Dragonball AF.

Deadly stuff

Excellent animation, there. The characters look great, and the fight was very well choreographed. Kudos, man! Ya got interactivity points for the replay button and humor points for dude tucking his head in like a turtle.