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Reviews for "dbz thingy 3"

why did i give you all 0?

because you used rotoscope, all you did was import a dbz video and traced it frame by frame. It requires no skill at all and I think you should not get any recognition for it because this was actualy the work of the animators who worked on this episode of dbz. And I wont "appreciate the effort" you put into this because it took little to none.

try making your own material

Well..........you did do a good job of tracing and copying the movie :P ...........but your not the one who actually did it.....................0 sry..try doing your own stuff and then you'll probably get better votes...and if your getting good votes on this movie ....the people that are giving you the good votes are either small children, or are not very smart OR are small children that aren't very smart

Nice Tracing

Hahhahahahaa you traced this why don't you try accually doing something yourself. This is such a copy.


This is a exact copy of a dbz episode,ive seen it...its before son goku fusions with vegeta to create gogeta...Yes i am a dbz fan!

...how did...

How can something like this get such a high rating? I'll tell you how...

There are too many people out there that don't realize that this is nothing more than a bad rip off. All this is is decent animation done over an actual episode. The actual thing is infinately better, even when taking into acount that this is a novice's work.

I do not appreciate the work that was put into this because I do not believe that much work WAS put into this.

I'll give it 1 mercy point.