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Reviews for "dbz thingy 3"


pretty cool flash, not too kine on dbz but i gave it a 4/5 cos u put a lot of work into it, one thing u could of changed and that is the fact the flash vid u made is a complete copy of the fight scene in the series( make up ya own fight scene, much better rating then :P )

Of course this is a copy :/

But I don't think its traced, so does it really matter? Pez just 'borrowed' an idea and re-animated it. Pretty good animation.

Not bad

This wasn't bad but it definitely needs some improvements.


Yeah it was good...there just wasn't much to it...but you show promise I'll give you that. Try adding some storyline...I haven't seen the other ones so I'm probably just telling you stuff you already know but meh whatever.

Oh and to the last reviewer death_and_beyond it's ok not to like it, but could you be at least a little intelligent and offer some constructive critism, not just swear at him.'


Much improved

I must admit, this one was ages beyond your earlier ones. I gave it a 7, but it was a low 7 as opposed to a high 6.