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Reviews for "dbz thingy 3"


even thou this was traced... copyed...whatever. i don't care. it looks fantastic when you see it. if there was only sound it would be so much better but anyway i think you should have a round of applause for actually bothering to copy the frames out and stuff. by the way i'm going to make my own dbz episodes which is gonna carry on from dbz and be just before dbGT. anyway if you could tell me the frame rate for this movie and any other helpful info that would be helpful. cheers. and please don't vote 0


Good tracing, you got it almost perfect, but its a shame you didn't clean up the frames, otherwise this would totally rock. I'd suggest Toon Boom Studio if you're thinking about doing this more often its a better program for drawing over film.

Also to Shonen Jump Clock: Dragonball AF doesn't exist, it was a prank.


To make something so accurate to the actual fighting scene in the show must have taken a lot of analyzation (loser like? yea, but I kinda remember each bit of that episode also, cuz the action was awesome, so who cares). Anyway, I like the animation, with a lot of practice, u can make something......really, really cool in the future.

I hate dbz

But this was an awesome fbf animation!

Ponitless but pleasing for the eye...

Well the graphics are once again very well drawn and I like the style of the movie and it's intensity. The graphics are also very accurate to the actual series. I would consider some shidings to the characters though. The music was allright, even If I wouldn't call it good. What makes this cartoon good but not great is it's lack of an acctual meaning. It doesn't have a plot, and the fight doesn't have a meaning.