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Reviews for "dbz thingy 3"

Awesome little clip!

It's rare to see such good DBZ work on the portal. My only problem was that it appears to have been exactly copied from a sequence in the show, but it's just a minor complaint. Great artwork and animation. Keep it up!

I thought that was great

You did really good with the drawings on that, I couldn't have done so good myself. That was really good, and it looks like you put a lot of time into this movie. You should really make more like this, and I am going to go and watch the others.


pretty cool flash, not too kine on dbz but i gave it a 4/5 cos u put a lot of work into it, one thing u could of changed and that is the fact the flash vid u made is a complete copy of the fight scene in the series( make up ya own fight scene, much better rating then :P )


o man, it may have been a plotless fight scene, and there may have been no dialogue or even an amazin soundtrack to go with it.
But i gotta hand it to you man, the graphics and the smoothness of the scene was amazin, truly brilliant, i gave u a 5 to help u on ur way

Not bad.

That was better than most other DBZ movies. I'll assume you had good sound to go with it. My speakers don't work. :p