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Reviews for "dbz thingy 3"

why did i give you all 0?

because you used rotoscope, all you did was import a dbz video and traced it frame by frame. It requires no skill at all and I think you should not get any recognition for it because this was actualy the work of the animators who worked on this episode of dbz. And I wont "appreciate the effort" you put into this because it took little to none.


great fighting i liked it.

pretty kool!!!

I loved it!! Keep it up. hope to see more of your movies on NG. I gave it a five, really good stuff there.


You get "Decent" because it was, well, decent. No, seriously I actually thought it was pretty good. Nice drawings (you DID draw them right?) and DBZ style. Ends kinda abruptly though.

zerox4 your an idiot

man good flash zerox4 just and idiot who cares if its a secne from a dbz you cant even do half as good