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Reviews for "dbz thingy 3"


even thou this was traced... copyed...whatever. i don't care. it looks fantastic when you see it. if there was only sound it would be so much better but anyway i think you should have a round of applause for actually bothering to copy the frames out and stuff. by the way i'm going to make my own dbz episodes which is gonna carry on from dbz and be just before dbGT. anyway if you could tell me the frame rate for this movie and any other helpful info that would be helpful. cheers. and please don't vote 0

Every one knows

Iam sure that everyone knows that that is NOT your wor,try animating yourself.

try making your own material

Well..........you did do a good job of tracing and copying the movie :P ...........but your not the one who actually did it.....................0 sry..try doing your own stuff and then you'll probably get better votes...and if your getting good votes on this movie ....the people that are giving you the good votes are either small children, or are not very smart OR are small children that aren't very smart

traced = 0

If i wanted to watch this episode of DBZ i wouldn't watch you crappy-no-talent tracing, I would watch the actual episode.


I liked the animation... even if it WAS "traced."