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Reviews for "dbz thingy 3"

The Best is yet to come.

Personally I freekin love DBZ. I enjoyed the animation quite a bit. i'd like to see something a little longer. I'm glad you chose Buu.


The arwork is great.And the fighting is very very

Best DBZ animation on newgrounds...

first line sais it all.Smooth graphics that look great. Keep up the DBZ flashs. Great work


I like DBZ and that was the most awesome replica of the fight of Majin Boo and Goku.
Hey could you do it with Vegeta?
He's awesome.

kick ass...

im going to agree.. only good part of DBZ is the fighting. I hate the fact that it takes like... 26 epidoses to finish one fight :p

im sure DBGT has more fighting, and less of people staring eachother down... but i have yet to see an episode.

Oh.. Great work BTW :)